Our Mission

Our mission is summed up in three things:

Loving Jesus

It's All About Jesus

It starts with Loving Jesus and understanding the gospel. Sharing the gospel, how we were destined for hell until Christ took the punishment we deserve, and that through repentance and belief in Him we can have eternal life, is why we do everything that we do. Our life here on earth, whether good or bad, doesn’t compare to the eternity that follows. Those that respond to the gospel in repentance and belief in Him will be saved. Everyone else will be cast into hell for eternity. They won’t hear if no one tells them, and they won’t believe if we’re not believable.

Meeting Basic Needs

Our focus on serving people and meeting their basic needs is where we spend most of our time and resources. It’s what gives us the opportunity to share the gospel in many cases, helps us develop our relationship with the people, and gives us and the gospel a measure of credibility. By meeting basic needs we give people a small glimpse of the love of Christ. It gives us an open door to then be able to share the gospel. They know that we love them, so then they’re open to what we have to say.

Serving People

Making Disciples

The Great Commission

In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus commanded us to make disciples-to plead with people to repent of their sins and believe in the gospel and to teach them how to follow Jesus. This task is very critical. Jesus wants disciples, not people who just want “fire insurance” or a genie to give them their desires. We believe that this is an inseparable part of the gospel. Jesus saves us from our sin, and then we become like Him. We cannot be “saved” from our sin and still choose to live in it. It’s not that we no longer sin, but there’s a difference between willful sin and struggling with sin. Those in willful sin only want the benefits of Jesus as their Savior but don’t submit to Him as Lord, and those struggling with sin strive to become like Him.

Loving Jesus. Serving People. Making Disciples.

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